Thursday, December 25, 2008
Gun control means being able to hit your target
About Me
- Name: bothenook
- Location: Northern California, United States
about me. well: i am a US Navy submarine veteran. i have retired from a research reactor for a california university. i met and married my second (and last) wife after growing up. my waist line is now 10 inches longer than my inseam. that sux, but then, i've enjoyed every calorie. i drink my coffee black. i am an NRA Life Member. i am the most liberal right wing radical republican i know. new favorite quote of the day: ""We have four boxes used to guarantee our liberty: The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box". -- Ambrose Bierce (1887)"
Previous Posts
- this year's springerle cookies were yummy!
- It's Wednesday's weekly dose of Camille Paglia
- beautiful air art
- old pictures of the seawolf
- bias in the media....say it isn't so!
- i've found a kindred spirit
- Camille Paglia gets it right
- more evidence that THEY LIE!
- today's email joke
- 10 days and counting
G.P. Links
- 10 Things to Celebrate
- my Carnival of Recipes entries
- radioparadise, the best internet radio there is
- Martini's Submariners Bulletin Board
- My Flickr Photo Sets
comics, humor and foolishness
gun stuff and whatnot
- Rimfire Central
- Gunloads
- American Gunsmithing Institute Blog
- The
- Yolo Sportsmens's my local gun range
News and Opinion Links
- My Way
- Today's Front Pages
- 10x10 too cool
- National Review Online
- FrontPage Magazine
- lucianne
- Town Hall
- Reason Online
- Wall Street Journal Opinion
- Larry Kudlow
- Tim Blair aussie with a clue
- SteynOnLine
- The Ornery American Orson Scott Card's Blog
- Sid's News Can incredible news links page by Master Chief
- Micheal Yon's online magazine
- Michael Totten's Middle East Journal
- Ben Hammersley
- Science Daily
Blog Links
amigos, and other cool folks
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- allanthinks
- Notoriously Nice Mike Allan's Bro
- Blue Heron
- Vox Edvardicus
- Neo-Neocon
- Iraq the Model an iraqi's blog
- Winds of Change home of the Armed Liberal
- Dave's Not Here
- Far East Cynic Skippy-San
- Waiter Rant you've really got to check this out
- chocolate and zucchini
- Tim's Times
- Rantings of a Sandmonkey
- Docs on the Web
- Trailer Park Paradise
right wing crazies, gun nuts, and others like me
- Cdr. Salamander the 'phibian hisself
- Knowledge is Power
- Debbie Schlussel
- blackfive
- Michell Malkin
- Yourish a daily must read
- Reason Staff Blog
- Varifrank
- She Who Will Be Obeyed
- Resistance is Futile
- Important stuff- or not
- Bad Example Lots of great blogging tips
- Stop the ACLU
- Cowboy Blob
- Ride Fast & Shoot Straight
- Mr. Completely
- The Other Side of Kim duToit
- The Box o' Truth li>View from the Porch
submariner's blogs
or The Bubbleblogger Brotherhood (thanks for the idea gus)
- The Stupid Shall Be Punished bubblehead idaho
- Unconsidered Trifles
- chapomatic
- gus van horn
- AGSS-555
- Photios
- molten eagle
- Slightly Rough a former spook
- 15dnBloganother RN submariner
- Rob's Blog (a gasp..liberal bubblehead. who'd a thought?)
- Musings of an Old Man
- Reality Frame
- the Cook Shack
- Trickish Knave
- The Sub Report BLOG!
- Decks Awash another Eric blog!!
- Myron's Random Thoughts
- Draamal's Daily
- Submarines Forever
- Out on a Limb
- RM1(SS)
- ramblinboy
- Right Ascension of Aries
- ex-nuke bubblehead
- Megamunch
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- DSC Security
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- Midwatchcowboy
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- USS Augusta blog
- da fox hole
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- Brisket for Chucklehead
- Sleepyeyed Whiners of the Deep
- Wheels Within Wheels
- In Through the Out Door
- Table Bread
- Exurban League
- Razorback Museum Blog
- Blunoz Random Ramblings
- Bill's Vignettes
- Emergency Blow
- the good donut
- beebsblog
- Submarine Brotherhood
- Halibut Hanger
- Dave Plouffe's Blog
- Drinking on The Last Frontier
- Thinking Nuclear
- FastNav
- Buddventures
- No Slack Fast Attack
- twelve fluid ounces
- One of the Better Stories Ever Told
- Navy Blue Cougar
- A Bubblehead Chaplain
bubbleheads that haven't posted in FOREVER
or at least 6 months, anyway- Zero Bubble a bubblehead at heart.
- snapshot tube 2
- 4 knots to nowhere
- Torpedo in the water
- PigBoatSailor
- lazlong
- a western reach
- Hap's Ponderings
- OK2bnot
- Right Bubbleheads
- drunknsubmrnr a canuk bubblehead!
- Sound General Quarters
- NM Bubblehead
- Pre-Retirement Professor
- Desert Periscope
- Hinged
- Steel Shark RN sailor
- Ricky CWO
- Contrary
- CeeBee a RN submariner
- hundreds of fathoms
- redneck nerd boy
- The EM Logclosed until further notice. bummer -
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