Wednesday, July 13, 2005
have you ever been to the MSI in chicago? i remember the first time i went was after bootcamp, while waiting for A school to start. i toured u-505 then, and really knew the submarine community is where i wanted to be. can't get to chicago? try this site. of course, living in northern california, i have access to the USS Pampanito (SS-383). there are submarines scattered around the country set up as historical ships, museums dedicated to keeping alive the knowledge of the skills and sacrifices of the underwater fleet.
Gun control means being able to hit your target
About Me
- Name: bothenook
- Location: Northern California, United States
about me. well: i am a US Navy submarine veteran. i have retired from a research reactor for a california university. i met and married my second (and last) wife after growing up. my waist line is now 10 inches longer than my inseam. that sux, but then, i've enjoyed every calorie. i drink my coffee black. i am an NRA Life Member. i am the most liberal right wing radical republican i know. new favorite quote of the day: ""We have four boxes used to guarantee our liberty: The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box". -- Ambrose Bierce (1887)"
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- the insanity isn't just in the U.S.
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- how D-Day would be reported today
- another blogger prating about the london bombings
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- to the ends of the earth
- quick, there's another one. get the net
- the passing of a true american hero
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or The Bubbleblogger Brotherhood (thanks for the idea gus)
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or at least 6 months, anyway- Zero Bubble a bubblehead at heart.
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